8 Tips to Help Your Child With Homework 

Parent of every school-going kid knows about the homework woes. Lucky are those parents whose children are intrinsically interested in studies and doing homework. And we know how rare is that breed. 

The everyday homework activity becomes so stressful for the kid as well as for the parents that we secretly sometimes wish for a potion that can do magic. Unfortunately, there is no such remedy available, but there can be several other ways to positively motivate your child to do homework.

How will kids not fuss about Homework?

Children should be willing to do their homework. Does this sound laughable? Well, it is truly possible.

The key is to set up an environment where the child is engrossed in revising and learning new concepts without being bored. Read ahead to know how should we do it.

1. Look at your own approach.

It is very crucial for parents to first understand what getting their child’s homework means for them. Is it just a chore to complete or do they really want their children to enjoy the learning process? If you have that clarity in your mind, you will transmit the same energies to them.

2. Be realistic.

Even though there have been many studies to prove that we should not burden children with homework, there are many schools that don’t adhere to this approach. Sadly, for them, finishing the curriculum is their primary focus. Hence, don’t just fall for what the school expects of their students. Moreover, every kid has their own learning speed and capability. No one can know your child better than you. If you feel your child does not go beyond a certain bandwidth, don’t push them too hard.

3. Give them enough playtime.

Many children are not interested to study more after coming back from school because they feel they have done it enough for the day. Letting them play or do any other activity they like can give them a sense of break and then they might look at it more willingly than earlier.

4. Make it fun.

How simple it sounds but can be the most challenging thing right? This will need your extra effort. Be creative and find ways to make it more like a fun activity than a chore. This tip is most relevant for very young kids (kindergarten or primary school students). The fun part is if the child starts to enjoy doing homework it will naturally seem interesting to them as they keep growing up to higher classes.

5. Keeping other children occupied

My biggest challenge when it comes to my child doing homework is keeping the younger one from disturbing her. Since the little one is a kindergartner and seldom gets any homework, his favorite pastime becomes disturbing his elder sister when she is busy doing her own. Keeping printable worksheets come in handy during such crucial times, keeping both busy with their own work. If you have a baby, you can keep the baby occupied in various activities. Read here.

6. Focus on the bigger picture

Kids need not take the pressure, but the goal is also that them to understand the importance of learning. For that purpose, keep appreciating their efforts rather than rewarding them for finishing homework. If they get this mantra associated with their studies, learning will always be more interesting.

7. Stick to a Routine.

It is so important to have a specific time or duration every day when your child does homework. Establishing a routine will also help the child get habitual to the activity and will be more prepared to go with it. It is also crucial to choose a time when they are not sleepy or hungry. Especially in the case of very young kids, you will have to be flexible with the exact time and take the cues to act accordingly.

8. Become a team

A good idea will be to not try to become your child’s teacher. Become their mentor or coach but also give them the impression that it is a goal for both of you to finish the task. That gets them thrilled and more interested as you get equally involved in the activity. Of course, it is their work and you ought not to do it fully, but being there and showing them that you are equally excited will give them a kick out of it too.

It is easy in this competitive world to get lost in the rat race where each kid is competing with the other. Maintaining a balance where you wish the child enjoys homework without feeling the pressure, can become quite challenging. But don’t stress. Because that would be a negative reason for your child to study. With some creative ideas and discipline, you are surely going to establish a homework routine that both you and your child are going to enjoy.

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